
In this tutorial you perform several Molconn-Z calculations designed to acquaint you with the most commonly used features and calculation strategies of Molconn-Z in its Sybyl-interfaced implementation.

In Lesson 1, you calculate a suite of topological, shape, and electronic descriptors for several small molecules (individually) using SYBYL .mol2 files. The output is a "structure" report that summarizes, in a very readable way, the type of structural and electronic information availabale from the Molconn-Z program. These parameters have historically been key for drug design and QSAR (Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships.

The topics covered in Lesson 1 are:

Lesson 2 illustrates how to calculate and display three-dimensional electrotopological contour maps for small molecules.

The topics covered in Lesson 2 are:

In Lesson 3, you will model a data set of halocarbons against anaesthetic potency and LD50 with the Molconn-Z suite of parameters. In fact a very nice model can be obtained from this data set with conventional 1-D QSAR descriptors. Also included in this model are the new Atom-type EState descriptors. The topics covered in Lesson 3 are:

Lesson 4 demonstrates using EState fields in 3D QSAR (CoMFA). In this lesson the standard CoMFA training data for steroids will be examined with the EState and HEState fields instead of the steric and electrostatic fields of standard CoMFA.

The topics covered in Lesson 4 are: